google analytics for mobile


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Google is bringing its Analytics to mobile apps — both Android and iOS-based — to help give developers greater visibility into their apps’ performance.

The free tool to provide Google Analytics for mobile apps, called Mobile App Analytics, is being released in beta on Friday. The reports are designed to give developers (and the brands they work for) data about who is using the apps, how they’re using it and if that use is leading to purchases.

This is what information we have on the features of the Google Analytics for mobile apps tool.

Google’s motivation for providing such analytics for mobile is obvious: For the first time, customers began spending more time on mobile apps than the web last year, according to Flurry Analytics. Google itself is also putting more of its R&D behind mobile as evidenced by the introduction of Google Glass and the Nexus 7 Android tablet. However, this is a case in which Google’s role as an information provider trumps its mission to spread Android products. Since Google is providing metrics for iOS as well as Android, the company is in theory helping Apple app makers as much as it is helping Android developers.

Good news for both developers and marketers then.

Image Credit: Mashable



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