Murder Suspect John McAfee: I’m Innocent
As Belizean police combed the property of expat antivirus pioneer John McAfee Sunday afternoon, McAfee was closer than they could have known. He’d seen them coming, and says he hid — burying...
As Belizean police combed the property of expat antivirus pioneer John McAfee Sunday afternoon, McAfee was closer than they could have known. He’d seen them coming, and says he hid — burying...
Steven Sinofsky to leave the company; Windows executives Julie Larson-Green and Tami Reller take...
An unknown company's four-year campaign to sue hundreds of companies for offering encryption on...
An interesting thing has happened in the days since Apple released its new smaller iPad: Many...
Google’s Android operating system is used on hundreds of smartphones and tablets. But the...
Don’t trust the release notes. Facebook has just added photo filters to its iOS app, though the...
Apple’s iPad managed to grab 50.4 percent market share in the third quarter of 2012, which saw a...
Intel researchers are working on a 48-core processor for smartphones and tablets, but it could be...
The team at Google is always trying to make Gmail faster and easier to use, so today they are...
Today, we’re proud to introduce the new Office; it comes pre-installed on every Windows Phone 8,...