Kim Dotcom, former chief of Megaupload, has promised that disruptive music service Megabox will launch this year. On Twitter, Kim…
Former Apple executive and current Guardian columnist Jean-Louis Gassée has spotted some particularly interesting details stashed away in a long Vanity Fair piece about Microsoft’s decline from its…
A couple of weeks ago we reported that Apple would be holding their iPhone 5 event on September 12, 2012. We've…
Groupon exceeded earnings expectations for the second quarter and revenues were in the right ballpark. So, why did the company’s stock fall…
Previously, when you searched a formula in the search giant's search box it churned out a simple uninteresting result. Try…
While the massive blackouts in India are focusing attention on the opportunities for clean power in India, the country already…
Here are what leading tech companies offer as "Death Benefits" to the families of the deceased.
Can’t beat them? Join them. One of the biggest newspaper companies in the world may be trying to get into…
We may well have seen the next iPhone's back shell, front panel, SIM tray and even its cabling. Why not round it out with what…
“Acqhires” — where larger tech companies make deals to absorb young companies for their talent rather than their product – are…