Women in tech: Time to STEM up ladies
As women come into focus for on International Women’s Day, challenges abound for women in tech, the highest one being their representation in STEM. Statistics from a December 2022 report reveal...
As women come into focus for on International Women’s Day, challenges abound for women in tech, the highest one being their representation in STEM. Statistics from a December 2022 report reveal...
Today is International Women’s Day. As we celebrate with extra CSR activities, product discounts...
Global youth innovators crack the code on gender based violence Thirty-four-year-old Prachi...
The pandemic has changed the direction of many flows in society and markets. Like many other...
This women healthcare startup seeks to change the narrative on menstruation in India through...
This financial app is re-inventing how women manage their finances, a push towards financial...
This Indian FinTech and ethical lending product is designed exclusively for women. Among the...