The LG Optimus 3D Max is now available in India for Rs 28,990. The Optimus 3D Max, which is the improved version of the LG Optimus 3D, comes with the capability of glass free 3D screen and dual cameras at the back that enables users to capture 3D images and videos.
The LG Optimus 3D Max smartphone comes with a dual-core 1.2 GHz mobile processor and 1 GB RAM. It features same glasses-free 3D display as its predecessor (Optimus 3D), measuring 4.3-inch in size and supporting 480×800 pixel resolution.
LG has offered 16 GB internal storage along with the facility of expandable storage slot through micro SD card in Optimus 3D Max. The phone has a 1520 mAH battery. The LG Optimus 3D Max is 4.99 inch tall and 2.65 inch wide. At 0.38 inch thick, it is thinner than the original Optimus 3D.
Here is the product video by LG:
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