Niti Aayog Lays Out India’s AI Strategy
As the world surges ahead with advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), with the US and China in the lead, where does India stand? According to a report by Indian government’s think tank, Niti...
As the world surges ahead with advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), with the US and China in the lead, where does India stand? According to a report by Indian government’s think tank, Niti...
Of the $100 billion Tata Group’s many successes, Tata Chemicals Limited may not be known to many...
While the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru, has always been India’s tech hub, now there is even...
Mother’s day just passed by. And Father’s day is coming up. Celebration of these two days is...
A joint study by The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) and...
KPMG’s 6th report in its publication series, ‘The changing Landscape of Disrupting...
For many Indian’s the idea of homosexuality, is still a difficult subject. Despite its...
Indian women have lower literacy rates and are less frequent internet users, so will become more...
A report from the International Data Corporation said that 71% of Indian companies will look to...