Last week in our series about growing startups in Israel, we had written about 12Mass, a service that brings personalized conversations to Twitter. This week we will be covering BuzzSpice, an automated Facebook marketing service for business pages. Spend just “4 minutes a day to grow your business on Facebook”; this is the promise made by the BuzzSpice team, so lets find out how they do it from Alon Levin, VP Marketing.
How did you guys(Moti Radomski and Alon Levin) meet and what was your inspiration to start BuzzSpice?
Moti and I are old friends since our youth. The two of us are experienced product veterans and we recognized the need when we saw our friends and family members, who are local business owners, struggling to keep their social media activity alive and kicking.
How does the algorithm learn to segregate the important stuff and filter the noise? Does it adapt itself based on the domain it is being used?
That’s the secret sauce we need to keep to ourselves 😉 Let’s just say that our system knows how to recognize engaging content and how to fit it to a Facebook page.
BuzzSpice constantly analyzes and profiles your business page activities and audience, and learns your social DNA. It then recommends and matches publicly available content that best fit your page.
BuzzSpice maximizes engagement by finding the right time and audience and auto-scheduling each post on your wall. Then, it follows up to constantly optimize and stay on top of your page.
When you need to spice things up, BuzzSpice recommends news, current events and funny items that your fans would love.
Are there any companies/brands using BuzzSpice and how has the response been to your product?
We’ve started the public beta a month ago and already over 1500 US local businesses are using us to manage their Facebook pages. The response is amazing, we are getting emails, Facebook messages and comments on our page from customers, praising BuzzSpice for the simplicity and the great value BuzzSpice has brought to them.
Currently you are providing your product as a free service. How do you plan to monetize it in the future?
BuzzSpice will always have a free tier. In the future we will add some premium features.
Are there any plans to develop a mobile app?
Yes, we are developing one as we speak. We support over 250 business categories and keep getting requests to add more. We are working very hard to expand our category list and we like to thank all of our amazing customers for their feedback and support. It’s a great privilege for us to help a local business market on Facebook like a pro.

Moti has over 20 years experience with products that make a change.
In 2005, co-founded YaData, a marketing data-mining company, which was acquired by Microsoft three years later. Prior to that, Moti played key roles in Product Management, Sales and R&D for various technological companies.
Alon has extensive experience with direct & social media marketing. Founded NetCRM in 2000, which managed loyalty programs and direct marketing for leading retail chain stores, and was acquired by BeeContact in 2005. Social technology consultant for Mandalay Digital Group Inc (MNDL).
What do we think of BuzzSpice?
The best way to grow a business is through word-of-mouth and for small, local businesses which do not have huge marketing budgets, BuzzSpice fits the bill perfectly by helping them connect with their customers easily over Facebook. Also the current online marketing tools require a lot of know-how like SEO, keyword selection and lots more but BuzzSpice simplifies it all and makes engaging with customers absolutely easy for even the less tech savvy users. Watch out for the mobile app soon!