What are you SHOUTing?
SHOUTing is as simple as real life shouting. Shout, lets you express yourself to the world around you. You post a shout message and anyone with the app around you will be able to view what you have shouted. No need to have a network. No need to add any friends. It will transform the way people unite.
Let your hostel herd hoot , the gossip gang go-berserk, your colleagues at work shout it out and friends at play sledge. If you like someone’s shout simply echo it and make it reachable to many more. And if you think its a non-sense just shut-up the shout. Also make your shouts easier to find by people around you, by using hashtags while shouting.

Why Shout And Why Not To Shout
Shout allows you to use hashtags
Hashtags are used by Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. So Shout needs time to compete
Unlike other apps/websites, Shout‘s main forte is to look for people near you
Shout tried to integrate Facebook, Omegle and Circle. Which is…not a bad idea
There are not much app with this concept in the market
Shout is new to the market, does not respond well to Google search
Good to see people near you in metro towns and other big cities
You cant do anything if you live in a remote area. There ARE no people near you